DECEMBER 17, 2024
'Karam Camera' follows the story of two refugees, Shaimaa Al Sabti and Hana Barhum, who discover their love for filmmaking. Little by little, they bring to light the joys of making movies. They understand how to work with a camera, how a script works, and the importance of being professional in everything they do. The documentary is a statement, and in this day and age, we need more statements like this one.
We've been told over the past few years how hard the life of refugees is, and we've seen it on TV or in real life, whether they were Syrian or Ukrainian more recently. To be kicked out of your own house or country is a disgrace, and nothing can compensate for losing your safe space. That's why we need more messages like the one in 'Karam Camera' – a message of hope and empowerment. Safe spaces are not just places but also people and activities. Finding a safe space in what you are doing is the ultimate form of empowerment, and Shaimaa Al Sabti and Hana Barhum's quest to become filmmakers might be the answer to most of their problems. The presence of movies like 'Karam Camera' in film festivals holds immense significance, as it is vital for the message it carries to reach a wider audience in today's world. The ability to confront fears and embrace risks is an essential aspect of personal empowerment.
In a world where refugees continue to seek solace and hope, 'Karam Camera' stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human condition. It urges us to support and amplify the voices of those who strive to rebuild their lives, shedding light on their experiences and offering inspiration to all who encounter their story.
Review written by Vlad A.G