JUNE 17, 2025
Accepting our own self has become such a delicate problem for the modern individual that many of the recent cinematographic projects debate this traumatic dimension of the current human who daily faces with their own demons in an attempt to condemn the aberrant rigidity of social patterns or to promote the full expression of our own identity.
Without being a conventional short film based on a concrete narrative thread or verbal interaction, 'Interruptus' is a suggestive experimental project that marks a sensitive incursion into the delicate nucleus of a lie-consuming couple, opting for a clever and nonconformist visual grammar that harmoniously complements the theatrical gesture aesthetics of the three characters.
Based on a linear chaining of several long frames depicting the forbidden relationship between two men who face the issue of self-acceptance and the consequences of the lie that protected their love story, Duane Michals' short film surprises by an interesting imagery convention through which the director overlaps two almost photographic prints of the same frame as in a multi-layered negative collage that interferes to create disrupted visual fragments of painful reality. Obviously, the creator's choice for such a strategy doesn’t reduce the entire project to just a "technical" experiment lacking emotional consistency, but proposes a subtle interpretive stake that seems to render the structural incompatibility of two different ways of perceiving the world, two divergent attitudes to accept our own identity, forcing the current human to accept either a way of living conforming to social exigencies, or a sincere existential philosophy that allows their own self to freely express.
It is not accidental that the title of this project suggests not only an interrupted sexual act but also an attempt of the individuals who, seeing their own desires condemned by others, almost instinctively rejects the "truth" and "morality" imposed by the outer reality.
Viewed from such an interpretative perspective, the sensory homogeneity between Beethoven's melancholic and slightly strident background music and the imagistic chaining of this emotional and theatrical short film through the gestures of characters who can no longer hide their true feelings is more than justified to render both a sensible project about homosexuality that is stigmatized by the general perception of the present society, as well as a nonconformist and bitter-sweet experience through the labyrinth of the refuted desires of the modern individual. Without intending to be a militant or ostentatious manifesto about the conventions of a lying society that condemns the intimate desires of individuals, 'Interruptus' is a temperate cinematic experiment with an original visual grammar that is based on the suggestive force of the image to create a homogeneous, attractive and very moving project.
Review written by Andrei C. Serban