JUNE 17, 2025
In a dystopian world, a father and his genetically gifted daughter are running from the government that tries to hunt her down. Their main objective is to find a safe place after breaking a sophisticated code. First thing that came to our mind after watching Phillip Klimek and Nick Kozakis' film was that this short could be the preview of an amazing series soon to be on screen. The story looks very complex, the characters are very well constructed and compressing the whole action in twenty minutes seems not fair for the viewers.
From the first scene the movie is catchy and the kind of hunt Klimek and Kozakis propose is surprising. The stunning cinematography is rounded by the flawless acting and the scenery. We always talk about the ease of turning in a feature film or better, in a series, but we never state the reasons. 'Hunter' has it all: the omnipresent good vs. bad action, breaking coded messages, knife action at a gun party, a girl with super powers hunted down by some mysterious army men, unexpected jamming devices, blood and a story that is worthwhile.
One thing we really liked in this movie was how the characters were introduced on the set; even though we had no clue where they were coming from, or from what they were running, after the first five minutes it was like we knew them all along. The familiarity they were projecting had nothing superficial in it and that is what makes Phillip Klimek and Nick Kozakis 'Hunter' such a desirable movie.
We hope that the directors will think about it and would expand this idea into a series or a feature film. If our argument was not convincing enough, go and watch the movie and it is highly possible you will resonate with us.
Review written by Vlad A.G